A Day of Remembrance

We should always remember that the Lord has done great things for us: how he broke the sin nature that held us in bondage; how he healed all of our sickness and wrong thinking; how he kept us from the grave in a harmful situation, and on and on.

Those immediate things came to mind when I heard, “This is a day of remembrance!”  But the Holy Spirit was quick to say, “No, THIS is a day of remembrance.  You will be able to look back on this day and see how far you have come.”  What a joy to know that you’re not staying in the same place; that God is moving you forward into new and better things.

Learning to walk in faith isn’t always easy, but it is necessary!  And if we are faithful to be obedient to the word, God is faithful to perform it.

No matter what level of faith we’ve walked in, there is always more.  Many times when we are first born-again and begin to exercise our faith, we see everything we pray for come to pass.  I remember laying my hands on my clothes dryer that was making a terrible noise, commanded it to operate in the way it was designed and the tub stopped squealing.  The same power that raised Jesus from the grave, was now living in me and there was nothing impossible for me if I believed.

So what changes, do we have to regress to get stronger?  No, but there are times of testing that we all must endure and sometimes we fail.  Failure often brings doubt.  James 1:6-9 says, “But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind.  For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.”  Doubt is fear in it’s most deceptive form.

God did not cause our failure.  God’s word did not fail us.

Doubt brings hesitation and sometimes completely immobilizes us.  What could be worse than never realizing our potential because we allow fear to halt us.

I once heard a prophet say, “You’re somewhere in the future, and you look much better than you do right now.”  Forget the past and look in faith at the hope that is in God!

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2 Responses to A Day of Remembrance

  1. cocoonstage says:

    This is beautiful. I try to make everyday a little day of remembrance as i live and learn. Thank you for this. I hope you dont mind me reblogging you.
    Thank you Lord Jesus.

  2. Pingback: A Day of Remembrance (via Called for Greatness) « cocoonstage

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